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Patient Story

By July 17, 2024January 15th, 2025No Comments

Kimberly…the little engine that could…

Kimberly, the self-proclaimed steam engine that helps White Rock Center of Hope continue to run, is a long-time chiropractic patient of Dr. Sims. Her work is rewarding, and hard on her body. But she gets through, thanks to taking time for self-care, including weekly chiropractic visits.

“In one weekend, I lifted about 700 pounds of carrots for hungry families in Dallas, in addition to a 50-pound bag of dog food for my four large breed dogs, when I got home.”

Needless to say, Kimberly is rough on her body, both at work and beyond.

“Ten years ago, I had mobility issues that were coming to a head, so I sought chiropractic care in Irving near work,” Kimberly said. “At one point, I was barely able to walk due to neuropathy.”

Chiropractic visits helped. So did taking care of herself on many other levels. With small wins, such as improvements in walking and reduction of numbness in her feet, Kimberly realized she must continue to make life changes for the better. She saw incremental improvements that gave her hope.

“I needed a ‘personal life overhaul,’” Kimberly added ,regarding the constant personal stress that was taking a toll on her body. “I was caring for aging parents in Austin and trying to manage a Dallas household with a crazy commute.”

To continue in her self-care renaissance, Kimberly changed jobs and a lot more in her life.

Things kept getting better. She found a job she loves, less than 3 miles from home but to continue to take care of her body, she would have to find a new chiropractor. Part of the job in helping feed needy Dallas families on the first and third Saturdays of each month is rotating with other staff to lead volunteer teams through food donation pickups for the hungriest five zip codes in the White Rock area. It takes an army to fill nearly 200 cars in two hours.

Kimberly found her calling in serving others, and at White Rock Center of Hope, she was mindful that little changes for the better were really gaining steam, both at home, at work and in her body. By now, she could walk without a walker or cane.

Still, Kimberly knew she needed to find a chiropractor closer to work, so she would continue to take care of her body. She visited Dr. Sims, and realized he was the most caring chiropractor she had yet seen. And his office was geographically desirable.

“Dr. Sims really is in tune with his patients,” Kimberly said. “He pays attention to the body and knows just how gentle to be.”

“Patients like Kimberly tend to do better, feel better, and even sleep better when they proactively get their spines adjusted,” said Dr. Sims. “It may be acute pain that brings them in the door, but the body functioning better as a whole is what keeps them coming back.”

And the little steam engine behind the scenes at White Rock Center of Hope continues her work happily, mindful that her body is working because she takes care of it.

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